Our services are available to survivors of all genders, races, abilities, and sexualities
24 Hour Hotline
If you are in an emergency, please call 911. For otherwise urgent or concerning situations, you can speak to an advocate 24/7.
This specialized service is maintained by a team of supportive and well-trained staff who are ready to help you with anything you need. This is often utilized by people in danger or when there is a threat of danger. This service is open to individuals of any age and gender, around the clock. Call toll-free at 1-800-707-5197.
For immediate crisis intervention
Emergency shelter services are based upon a belief that victims of domestic and sexual violence have the right to a safe place to live, knowledge advocacy, and ongoing supportive services to help them meet their needs in times of crisis. It is our belief that the cycle of domestic abuse can be broken when victims are given options and opportunities to increase their knowledge and develop a support system. To accomplish this end, we provide a 5 bedroom multifamily shelter, 24-hour crisis line, advocacy, counseling, and supportive services.
Hospital Accompaniment
Here for You
This service is geared towards people who are wanting an exam kit collected. You don’t have to go alone, an advocate can come with you, provide support, and help explain what to expect.
Professional Individual Counseling
You can work through this
If you are in need of professional counseling or therapy, whether you have insurance and means to pay or not, we can refer you for an appointment with one of our counselors.
Transitional Housing
With supportive services
The Transitional Housing Program is based upon the knowledge that many victims return to their abuser because they believe they have no other options. We also recognize employment and household management skills must be developed in a supportive environment to create life-long solutions. The Lodge is a multifamily dwelling where clients live together as they begin a new, safe life and receive the help they need to pursue employment, education, and independent living skills.
Other Services Provided
Call for more information and availability. Free to children and adults.
Hygiene items
Household items
Support Group for Survivors of Domestic & Sexual Violence
Tuesday nights time pending
Support group is offered to victims and survivors on a weekly basis. It is a safe group setting where participants are allowed to support each other, learn about the dynamics of domestic and sexual violence, and share their experiences and ideas. Childcare is provided.
Speakers from surrounding community service agencies are encouraged to participate in workshops or support groups being conducted throughout the year.
If you would like to attend support group or if you are interested in speaking at a support group/workshop, please contact us at 931-526-5197. Please call for support group location and directions.
Hospital, court system, law enforcement
Trained advocates are available, in person or through our crisis hotline, to assist victims of domestic and sexual violence during court, medical accompaniment, and law enforcement accompaniment to ensure the victim has complete access to all the services our community provides.
Crisis Intervention
Over the phone or in-person
If you need to speak to someone about getting to a safe place, how to stay safe when interacting with the abuser, and other safety planning call one of our advocates at 931-526-5197, 1-800-707-5197, or 931-525-1637.
Court Advocacy
Available in Putnam, White, Smith, Jackson, Overton, Dekalb, Clay, Pickett, Macon
If you have court or are trying to receive an Order of Protection, our court advocates can help you through that process and accompany you to court.
Community Education and Outreach
Training, presentations, communicating services
Genesis House offers free training and presentations to businesses, organizations, clubs, etc. in most of the Upper Cumberland region. Education is a vital part of prevention and awareness of sexual and domestic assault. If you would like to plan a meeting with us or talk about what we do, please call our office at 931-525-1637 or email
Community Referrals
Help is available
If you are in need of assistance that we are not able to provide, we can help refer you to other community agencies that can, such as housing, employment, and more.
Genesis House
24 Hour Toll Free Hotline 1-800-707-5197
Office 931-525-1637 | Fax 931-526-9130